How to Keep Children Entertained on a Rainy Day

Keeping children occupied and entertained at the same time is any parent’s dream. This is not one of the most natural things to do, especially when there are toddlers involved. But don’t fret, we will show you how to keep those little people busy and happy, especially when the weather out there says otherwise or even during such interesting times when social distancing is not a matter of choice but a health requirement.
Bubbles: Ever thought that blowing bubbles can only be done outdoors? Think again. This is one of the most exciting indoor games children could ever take part in. All you need are straws and plates for each player, water and dishwashing soap. If you are worried your seats might suffer in the process, an Ikea Karlstad sofa cover is what you need, as they are easy to clean.
Board Games: These ones will never run out of fashion, and they will always be fun and entertaining for every member of the family. Grab one of your favorite board games and get busy with your little ones.
Freeze: This is both fun, and you get to learn so many things about your children. The best thing about this game is that you don’t have to spend a penny to have fun. All you need is to put on your child’s favorite music, ask them to dance and freeze when it stops. To spice it up a little, set up some rules and ask them to freeze in specific poses.
Puzzles: These are good for both entertainment and learning. Puzzles come in all shapes and sizes, and they give children a chance to be creative and to be critical thinkers. You can also come up with your homemade puzzles, and this is even more fun.